Photographic Digitisation

Photographic Digitisation

Implemented in line with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management processes and National Archives of Australia Preservation Digitisation Standards, GMS Digital operates a professional colour-managed environment for the digitisation of fragile and historically significant materials.

A combination of Phase One medium format camera systems and Epson professional flatbed photo scanners are used to provide high-quality digital outputs with colour bit depth of 16 bits per channel (48 bit) and optically 15 stops of dynamic range. Files can be supplied in multiple formats such as uncompressed TIFF as the Archival Master and resized TIFF, JPEG, or PDF files as the working copies.

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Materials that we commonly digitise using our specialised photographic digitisation system includes framed photos and paintings, artwork, historical letters and fragile documents, large format plans and drawings, x-rays, and photographic film.

The GMS Digital team is experienced in the colour space and file conversion workflow of Capture One Cultural Heritage, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. We also provide photo editing services if additional post processing is needed.

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At GMS Digital we offer

Unparalleled Precision and a Seamless Process

Customised Solutions for Your Needs

The Ability to Preserve Heritage and Enhance Accessibility

Our specialised digitisation services ensure meticulous preservation and archiving of your historical and heritage collections

Contact our team today to experience excellence in Photographic Digitisation