Large Format Digitisation

Large Format Digitisation

Discover our comprehensive large format scanning services, perfect for A2, A1 and A0 and other oversized documents. We specialise in digitising a wide range of formats, including architectural plans, engineering drawings, maps, artwork, and beyond.

Through the use of state of the art equipment and high-resolution cameras, we capture high-quality digital images of all your materials. Our large format scanning service is designed to preserve vital documents effectively into file formats such as PDF, JPEG and TIFF, providing convenient digital storage and seamless accessibility.

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Talk to our team of experts today for all your Large Format Digitisation Needs

Why choose GMS Digital for your large format digitisation project?

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, the conversion of large format materials is essential. At GMS Digital with nearly 40 years’ of excellence, we are the experts for all large format materials including maps, drawings, plans, expansive artworks and invaluable historical documents.

Working with the unique needs of councils, libraries, museums, universities, historical archives, government bodies, art galleries, churches, engineers, manufacturers, and creative industries. We have a consultative approach to ensure that your materials are not only digitised into high quality digital assets but preserved with the utmost care and precision for their preservation.

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Specialising in Fragile Materials

Handling delicate, large, or wide-format materials can present unique challenges during scanning. Many of these valuable materials are too fragile or constructed from materials that aren’t compatible with standard scanning processes. To ensure the safety of these items, our team of experts use specialised handling techniques and state-of-the-art scanning technology.

Our commitment is to preserve each plan, document, and/or artwork, meticulously capturing every detail with unmatched clarity and accuracy.

We specialise and offer solutions for:

Historical Records and Preservation

Ensuring the past remains accessible for future generations. We assist libraries, archives, and museums in preserving historical documents by converting them into accessible digital formats for research and public viewing.

Artworks, Canvases, and Frames

Preserve the quality and colour accuracy of your large artworks by digitising them with our services.

Development Applications

Ensuring property records and historical information are protected.

Fragile Large Format Plans/Drawings

Transform your large-scale plans and detailed schematics into easily shareable and editable digital formats.


Digitise maps and spatial data for analysis and archival purposes.

Large Photographs

Preserving intricate imagery with high-resolution clarity.

Antiquarian Materials

Protecting fragile and historical prints.

At GMS Digital we offer

Unparalleled Precision and a Seamless Process

Customised Solutions for Your Needs

The Ability to Preserve Heritage and Enhance Accessibility

Our specialised digitisation services ensure meticulous preservation and archiving of your historical and heritage collections

Contact our team today to experience excellence in Large Format Digitisation