Fragile Book Scanning

Fragile Book Scanning

Over the past 30 years, the GMS Digital team has digitised over 2 million pages of fragile books dating back to the late 1800s, with sizes ranging from A5 to A2 pages and books up to 1,000 pages thick.

Working with Archivists and Records Managers from council, government and private enterprise, GMS Digital has developed a successful workflow for the scanning of fragile books, registers, ledgers and other historical bound materials.

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Our expertise focuses on the correct handling techniques to ensure the preservation of original materials during the digitisation process. At the same time, we have created a digitisation environment that provides high quality results.

Feed through document scanners and flat bed scanners are often not suitable for fragile book scanning projects. GMS Digital utilise contactless scanning methods with high resolution cameras and purpose-built book cradles that flatten pages for optimal scanning without damaging the book’s binding. Handling, post processing and digital file formats are in line with National Archives of Australia Preservation Digitisation Standards.

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At GMS Digital we offer

Unparalleled Precision and a Seamless Process

Customised Solutions for Your Needs

The Ability to Preserve Heritage and Enhance Accessibility

Our specialised digitisation services ensure meticulous preservation and archiving of your historical and heritage collections

Contact our team today to experience excellence in Fragile Book Scanning